Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oh, Christmas Tree!

This is one of my favorite parts of the year! This year was a little bit sweeter because the girls were able to help decorate the Christmas tree. I loved watching their eyes light up when we turned on the lights to string around the tree & how they were so anxious to help put on every ornament we owned! I can still remember when they were 4 months old & we were able to fit them under the Christmas tree. Here are a few pictures of the girls decorating our tree. Enjoy!

Addison showing one of her ballet poses.Bailey doing the same!Too Sweet!Now getting to work!AddisonBaileyBailey with the finishing touch!Addison with another finishing touch! (we can't ever do things once!)LOVE IT!The finished product!The girls very own Christmas trees with the gifts they bought each other & wrapped themselves!